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Newsletter January 2018

Dear all as 2017 has come to a close and the Chinese New Year looms once again here is a brief update on the past year at the Soup Kitchen.

As always 2017 was another crammed year for the Soup Kitchen. We received two awards, did a TED talk in Shanghai, after they had waited 5 years for us to agree, and which has now been viewed by over 5 million people, whilst running our usual array of projects.

In total in 2017 we ran 184 projects with an input of well over 8750 volunteer man hours. During the past 12 years we have run a total of 2,028 projects, served around 160,000 meals at the Soup Kitchen, delivered aid to approximately 60,000 people in rural villages, in addition to delivering over 110 wheelchairs to the elderly and disabled and fitting 12 disabled people with prosthetic limbs and helping over 90 homeless people find work & street children return home.

During this time over 12,000 volunteers have come to work with us and offer service. We have added two new videos to our website, the first a summary of 2017’s projects and also the Chinese TED talk (YiXi) that finally tells the whole story of China’s first Soup Kitchen. Tony covers how it all came about, from him first leaving the UK to beginning serving food in Xi’an, the philosophy of the Soup Kitchen, why against the odds it has worked and what has made this past 12 years possible, including just a small selection of stories. (In chinese with english subtitles.)

2017 Project Summary. Running time approx 13 mins

TED talk (YiXi) finally telling the whole story of China’s first Soup Kitchen and what has made this past 12 years possible. Running time approx 30 mins.

A massive thank you to all the volunteers and supporters who make everything possible, without all of you there would not be a Yellow River Soup Kitchen.

Wishing you all the very best for the Chinese New Year of the Dog from all of us at the Soup Kitchen. 


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